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Sunday, May 03, 2009

Love Those Risk-Free 1,000 Meter Walls!

Jet propulsion and wings:
YVES Rossy spread his wings to conquor the English Channel and now he's set to take on a new challenge.

The Swiss pilot, 49, has been tinkering with the jet-propelled wings that allowed him to ''fly'' from Calais to Dover last September.

He has now come up with a more powerful set of wings that he hopes will carry him across the Grand Canyon.

..."A month ago we went there and found a spot for flying. I'd like to fly in the US to make my name over there."

"There are vertical cliffs over 1,000 metres high, so I can do what I do without taking risks. I'd be 200 metres from spectators with 800 metres of air below me.

"It's a world famous location and very beautiful. It's also in an Indian reserve, so there is that symbolic side of things too.

"I want to make a simple wing that I can share with others and put on someone else's back so that we can do formation flying in the clouds.

"I have a list of friends who are interested. They're a bit scared but when they see me they really want to go for it."

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