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Monday, May 18, 2009

JCS Controversy Into The Memory Hole

With the closing of "Jesus Christ, Superstar" I decided to finally read, in detail, all the comments on Bev's blog regarding her review of 'The Performance that dare not speak its name'. For me, a post-show review just confirmed the validity of Nick's complaint. Nevertheless, it also made me happy that blogs (a Web 2.0 technology) gave a venue where these complaints could be aired (and note: it is not 'unprofessional' to complain).

But it's time to let all that slide into the past, and into the archives.

Except it's funny what happens to archives. I also wanted to finally read the Seeaplay.com reviews regarding "Jesus Christ, Superstar", but they all seem to have vanished....

The Web is a place for Tricksters....

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