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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"I Will Call In My Fully Sic Boys"

As in American society, Australian society features a veneer of civility papering over a deep well of race-conscious fears and preconceptions.

Sometimes though, like here, in the aftermath of a 3 a.m. shooting, the veneer is stripped away.

Thanks in good measure to Tim Blair, Clare Werbeloff is now an Internet sensation.

Hmmph. Tim Blair. I haven't linked to him in six years. I thought I had grown out of that phase....

As helpful Australian readers point out, a "wog" refers to:
These days its middle eastern types and especially Lebos’ (lebanese).
and also:
Generally a person a Greek extracture!

In Australia we are comprised of many groups like wogs, gooks, dagos, chings, yugos, lebs, abos and to a lesser extent chocos and gypos. They all end in ‘s’ see? Means we are like fully united and all.

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