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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Yanking Back The HELOC

I wondered if it would come to this. I had hoped the property values in my urban neighborhood would stay high enough to keep my home equity line of credit (HELOC) from being clipped, like so many HELOCs are now being clipped in the 'burbs.

No such luck though. The limit has been pulled back from some $150,000.00, or so, where it's been since 2002, back to a thrifty $45,000.00. I never went up to the limit, of course (some relict prudence at work), but I'm over this new limit.

They're not asking for all the money back right now, of course, just that if I want to borrow any more money for any purpose, the answer is "no" until I'm back under the limit. How nice!

Rice and beans. Rice and beans, from now on.

Rice and beans at restaurants (I got my tax refund today).

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