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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Women In The UK Adjust To Harder Times

Funny, but I remember this is the same approach that women in the U.S. followed in adjusting to the 1982 recession:
WOMEN are lashing on the lipstick to kiss goodbye to the credit crunch.

Girly girls who cheer themselves up with a glamorous new look are sending make-up sales booming.

Foundation products have risen by a massive 15 per cent and sales of lippy by 2.5 per cent.

“Literally putting on a brave face is a psychological boost and helps people deal with the stress and strain of economic worries,” said psycho­therapist Lucy Beresford.

...A staggering 82 per cent of women said it “cheers them up” and helps them feel more confident, according to a survey for top beauty firm L’Oreal.

...Sales of two-in-one facewash have gone up by 5.4 per cent – and home hair-colouring kits have seen a 7 per cent rise in sales.

Sales of nail varnish have also gone up by 11.2 per cent as women choose home manicures over trips to a beauty salon.

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