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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Water Is Fine

Nothing is more luxurious than resting beside the desert's rarest commodity! And on a day like this, too. According to the Sacramento Bee:
It will still be hot today, just not record-setting hot.

Temperatures are expected to be just under 90 degrees in Sacramento -- toasty, but short of the record of 92 degrees set in 1984. Today's high temperature in Sacramento is expected to be about 88 degrees.

On Tuesday, downtown Sacramento hit 94 degrees, 19 degrees above the average high and near the 1931 record of 96 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

Other cities set records: Stockton, 97 degrees; and Modesto, 98. Coastal cities didn't get much relief with Santa Cruz hitting 97 degrees and San Francisco, 87.

The high-pressure ridge causing hot conditions is shifting east, and the Delta breeze will start to move inland, ushering cooler temperatures to the valley.

"We could be getting cooling from the Delta after midnight and then continue through the morning," said NWS meteorologist Eric Kurth.

The forecast for Thursday calls for a high of 76 degrees, which is about average for the date. The cooling might even give Sacramento below-normal temperatures for Friday and the weekend when temperatures in the high 60s and low 70s are forecast.

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