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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Same Name

I got creeped out when I saw my sister's name among the dead in this story:
Police on Friday identified the remains of two more women among several bodies found in a desert mass grave west of Albuquerque.

...Police already had identified the bodies of Cinnamon Elks, Julie Nieto, Michelle Valdez and Victoria Chavez, all of whom disappeared in 2004. A fetus was found with Valdez's remains.

Police had been excavating a 92-acre site since February, when a hiker discovered a human bone. They had said they believe the remains were buried by one person.
Sadly for another Valdez family (to whom we might even be related), the deceased just happened to have the same name as my sister.

My sister responded:
Hi Marc,
When this story broke a couple of months ago, it was very alarming to me to see my name in the dead list. Aunt S. called dad and asked him if I was still alive. PRETTY CREEPY ! ! ! !

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