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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Phantom Animals

Today, while mowing the lawn, and doing other tasks, I went into the backyard and left the front door open and unattended for two, or maybe three, minutes.

Upon entering the living room from the back of the house, I found a large pool of pee on the floor. Apparently some kind of animal, likely a cat, had entered the house through the open front door, peed, then quickly fled back out the front door. There have been two mysterious cats lurking around the house lately, but I don't know if either was responsible for the mysterious pee pool.

When E. learned that a mysterious animal had entered the house and peed, she picked up a broom and used it to start charging into dark corners of the house, screaming variations of martial art shouts, like "Hai-yaaa!"

In the back yard, I found turdlets from some kind of animal, perhaps a dog. But there has been no dog in the back yard lately.

Phantom animals are afoot this spring.

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