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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Opening Weekend Approaches AT CdM

Yet not all is copacetic. Fred Phelps from Topeka, KS, is heading there to cause trouble:
However, although the temperature has been in the 90's, things are not sunny in Southern California. We have recently stumbled across the knowledge that the Westboro Baptist Church (famous for their slogan "God Hates Fags", REALLY witty) Is going to picket us on April 24th. Here's their flier (found on the WBC website under press releases). To show the strength and unity that we've attained throughout this process, we're having a silent, positive protest. In case anyone is interested in helping, here's the link.

Once again, thank you so much for all the support and good faith that you guys have showered us here at CdM. We're truly indebted.

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