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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Graceless And Disappointing Dustin Pedroia

Dustin Pedroia disses Woodland:
Pedroia said of Woodland: "It's a dump. You can quote me on that. I don't give a … "

Pedroia was The Bee's Player of the Year out of Woodland High School in 2001 before attending Arizona State.

Pedroia admitted to Boston Magazine that he was upset with the city for an unspecified reason. However, his brother was arrested in Woodland in January on child-molestation charges. Brett Pedroia has pleaded not guilty.

"Everyone wants to get out of there," Dustin Pedroia said. "You don't want to stay in Woodland. What do you want to stay in Woodland for? The place (stinks). The newspaper there, I don't really get along with.

"I come from your town. You should embrace me. I play for the Boston Red Sox. You haven't had a lot of major leaguers come out of your city."
Listen, Dustin, I come from New Mexico. There are towns there that make Woodland look like the Garden of Eden. But even those New Mexico towns are full of interesting people and unforgettable places. It's the attitude you bring to a town that matters most when you are trying to come to grips with it. Woodland is great. Get over yerself, for chrissakes.

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