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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Garbeau's To Close

I wondered how things were going out in Rancho Cordova since February's desperate struggle to survive. I had heard nothing, and the ominous silence worried me:
The final curtain has dropped on Garbeau's Dinner Theatre. Despite recent fundraising efforts and a "Save Garbeau's" campaign, the Rancho Cordova theater will shut down by May31.

Spiking gas prices were blamed for the initial loss of business, which never recovered during the down economy. Recent efforts to renegotiate Garbeau's rent with Washington- based landlord Andy Lakha also failed.

The theater's current production, "There's a Little Bit of Broadway in Everyone," will run throughMay 10 and possibly run an additional week, said Garbeau's co-owner Andrea Castel.

Garbeau's avoided closure in March by raising $8,000 and selling gift cards and season passes to boost funds.

"The theater community has been wonderful, and many said in some fashion that they will honor (our) 2009 season passes," Castel said.

"Right now we're in the process of confirming what those stipulations will be."

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