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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Can A Little Drama Stop The Gambling Bug?

Are you kidding?:
Back in February, Tamara Gillespie was mad at her husband, police say. After all, he had just taken all the money they had been saving for a new car and was headed to the Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn to gamble it away.

So she picked up her cellphone, dialed the casino and told them her husband was headed there with a fertilizer bomb to blow the place up, according to King County prosecutors.

Now Gillespie, 43, of Enumclaw, who has a history of causing problems at the tribal casino, has been charged in King County Superior Court with making a bomb threat, a felony. She has been summoned to arraignment May 7 in Kent and remains free.

When reached on her cellphone today, Gillespie laughed and denied making the call. "That's just ludicrous," she said. "That whole thing is just ridiculous."

...The casino was unable to identify the phone number of the caller. Auburn police were alerted and security measures were stepped up, but there were no problems at the casino, the court papers say.

...Police obtained Gillespie's cellphone records and found that Gillespie called directory assistance at 12:51 a.m. and then two minutes later called the casino, prosecutors allege.

...She said she had been in a serious accident recently and takes a lot of medication, leading her to frequently lose her cellphone. She presumes someone might have found it and phoned the threat to the casino.

She said she wasn't worried about the charge. She was more upset that police had obtained her telephone records, "violating my civil rights and my privacy."

"I thought this was still a free country," she said.

Prosecutors say Gillespie, who is also known as Tamara Lapenckas, has been arrested at the casino for trespassing, assault and resisting arrest. In addition to those convictions, she has convictions for drugs, drunken driving and defrauding a public utility.

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