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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blog Post Fail

Blogger, heal thyself!

Jerry writes:
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do with that cause-and-effect post. The links to the first two photos don't seem to match up with your introductory remarks. (I don't know what to make of that guy's comments about Gore's movie -- I think he must have been on something when he wrote them.)
I reply:
I was trying for a more hallucinatory, child's eye effect, but looking at it now, it looks mostly lame. That's what happens when you try to say something profound in 100 words, or less. You end up sounding like Miss Teen South Carolina, or something.
(Plus, I was trying to cram the picture of the ramjet cow into some kind of sensible thought. Harder to do than I thought.)

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