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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trinity Rest Stop

Something new from Deborah McMillion-Nering!

Regarding the method, Deborah says:
Not a painting. It's a 'virtual sketch' done on my iPhone. All done with my finger.
So I asked: "Virtual sketches? This I do not understand. So, is it a form of photoshopping, like collages, or is everything brand-new, in a different medium?"

Deborah replies:
No, it's a touch-the-screen with my finger and draw on the face of my phone sketch. It's a little program or APP called "Zeus Draw", somewhat sophisticated enough to let me have 16 colors, several 'tips' or brushes [from fine lines to wide sprays], and one can zoom in and get sort of detailed. It also allows for typefaces. I use it as a sketchbook primarily but friends are beginning to demand a show [if I could get Apple to loan me about 10 iPhones to show them on as they look best on phone]. They're virtual because they only exist in phone though, of course, they could be printed off. I have done some stickers of them for my niece, e.g.

And no fear. I am still painting in oil.

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