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Thursday, March 12, 2009

There Are No Stoopid Questions

J. in San Jose writes:
So I'm waiting for the light to change at South 4th Street and San Carlos St. and the guy next to me asks, "Where is NORTH 4th Street?"
For some reason this reminds me of something that happened once when I lived in Corrales, NM.

I was walking down the village's main thoroughfare, and a man driving with his family stopped his car, got out, approached, and started asking me questions:

Man: "Do you know where Highway 40 is?"
Marc: "No, I've never heard of Highway 40."
Man: "What do you mean, you've never heard of Highway 40?"
Marc: "Well, there is a Highway 44 a few miles to the north. It takes you to Farmington."
Man: "But I'm looking for Highway 40."

(after five fruitless minutes talking about Highway 40, with the man's family drooping in the heat)

Marc: "Oh, you mean INTERSTATE 40!"

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