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Sunday, March 01, 2009

That's It - No Ethanol Blend For Me!

Thanks, John! I don't much like the idea of biofuels anyway (growing them is hard on the soil and their combustion tends to yield worse air quality than burning petroleum fuels), and this fatwa against ethanol just confirms my distrust of them:
An Islamic scholar in Saudi Arabia said using ethanol or other alcohol-derived fuels in vehicles may be a sin for Muslims.

Sheik Mohamed al-Najimi of the Saudi Islamic Jurisprudence Academy told Saudi newspaper Shams that the prophet Mohammed banned alcohol for all uses -- including buying, selling, carrying and manufacturing, Al-Arabiya reported Friday.

Najimi said Muslims who use biofuel, which is made from fermented plants, in their cars are violating the ban since the substance `is basically made up of alcohol.

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