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Monday, March 02, 2009

Reading The Magazines In The 'Jiffy Lube' Waiting Room

At last, a chance to catch up on the most-important matters of the year!

I opened up "OK! - Weekly" to read the feature story: 'Rihanna and Chris - What Really Happened'. The table of contents put the article on page 40, near the middle of the magazine. But when I opened the magazine up to the middle, I discovered that someone had artfully played with the staples and removed the center pages, including the feature article. So, now I'll never know :(

So, on to 'Men's Journal' which, on the last page of the March, 2009 issue, featured an interview with Craig Ferguson. A fun interview, but what I liked most was the answer to the last question: "What skill do you wish you could master?":
I'm trying to master flying an airplane. Aviation is the complete opposite of show business. In show business, you live by bullshit. In aviation, you bullshit, you die.

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