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Friday, March 27, 2009

Not Over Yet

On Talk Radio on Monday, I heard Rush's substitute for the day, well-known conservative columnist Mark Steyn, get very excited about the Madagascar situation, because the new president is a radio DJ - just like Rush! First Madagascar, then America? People can dream!

Anyway, the Madagascar situation is hardly stable yet:
Thousands of supporters of Madagascar's ex-president Marc Ravalomanana protested Friday in the capital, demanding the return of their leader forced out last week by the army-backed opposition chief.

Police fired warning shots and teargas to prevent clashes between the former president's backers and supporters of the island's new leader Andry Rajoelina, sworn in last week following Ravalomanana's resignation.

The group has been holding a series of rallies in the capital this week against 34-year-old Rajoelina, who took an oath of office as the island's transitional leader on Saturday.

"The big rally is to take place tomorrow," said Alain Andriamiseza, the head of the movement against Rajoelina, who ousted his rival from office after a sustained campaign of protests.

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