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Monday, March 09, 2009

Just Go Away

Will these people ever leave us in peace?:
Post-mortem harassment is the latest trend in debt collecting, and one of the thriving parts of the reviled industry.

In Minneapolis, Minn., teams of debt agents labor on the third floor of DCM Services, are dialing up the departed dear ones' next of kin and thoughtfully asking if they want to settle the balance on a credit card or bank loan or make one last utility bill or mobile phone payment.

Generally, the living have no legal obligation to assume the debt of a spouse, sibling or parent, although laws vary by state.

“I am out of work now, to be honest with you, and money is very tight for us,” one man declared on a recent phone call after he was apprised of his late mother-in-law’s $280 credit card bill, and which he promised to pay $15 a month, the paper reported.

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