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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting Theater People To Be Quiet

Theater people are the most voluble people on Earth, and it is almost impossible to get them all to clam up. Doing so usually requires a shock of some sort. The only time I've ever succeeded in bringing an entire room to silence was in 2003, during rehearsals for DMTC's "Show Boat", when I didn't pay attention to instructions not to use the n-word in the script. I let rip with that one magic word and suddenly you could have heard a pin drop!

But there are better ways to bring theater people to silence....

Today, I was over at DMTC to collect signatures for a release of photos I took last weekend (and published on my blog) from DMTC's production of Disney's "Mulan, Jr." I talked to some of the parents one-on-one, but I soon realized I would need the cooperation of the theater kids to reach parents who weren't there that day. So, after vocal warm-up, I followed Dan Petersen in addressing the theater kids.

The theater was filled with a dull roar of children's voices as Dan spoke. Practically shouting, Dan urged the kids to "check your props!" If anything, the roar of voices increased in volume.

Then I started talking. The roar decreased slightly: I never address the theater kids, and they were curious about what made today any different.
My name is Marc Valdez and last week I took pictures of Mulan and posted them on my Web Site. Someone at Disney noticed and....
And in an instant, the theater was as silent as a Chinese Emperor's tomb. One magic name and their jaws dropped open, revealing shocked ovals where words once flowed like water. Suddenly, the kids were following my every word with rapt attention and laser focus....

With help from the kids, tomorrow I hope to finish getting signatures.

Silence is golden....

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