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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Caught In The Act

Stealth eluded them:
This is the moment a group of students tried to abduct a giant model dinosaur from a museum as a drunken prank.

Deciding to relocate it in the middle of a roundabout as a joke, they set about lifting the 20ft long and 10ft tall plastic triceratops.

It took ten of them carry the giant model over an iron gate outside the Dinosaur Museum in Dorchester, Dorset.

But just as they carried it off above their heads into the night, they were stopped in their tracks by a policeman.

...'The police asked us to take it back which we did quite willingly and I have to admit they found it quite funny.'

He added: 'We were really sorry for causing any hassle and we are in the process of paying for the slight damages that the triceratops sustained whilst we lifted it over the fence.'

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