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Friday, February 06, 2009

Do It!

A plethora of Silicon Valley businesspeople who can no longer hack business:
Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina is making some moves that strongly suggest she's got her eye on a political future in California -- and the buzz is that it may even have something to do with that 2010 race against Democratic U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer.

Last week, Fiorina -- the former leader of the Republican National Committee's 2008 Victory drive and chief adviser to presidential candidate John McCain -- emerged, after months out of the presidential 2008 campaign spotlight. This time, she was the new political analyst -- and a good one, we may add -- on George Stephanopolous' ''This Week'' show, talking up the economy and the Obama stiumulus package.

Now, we hear she's been added as a scheduled speaker at the California Republican Party Convention in Sacramento later this month.

Other speakers: Meg Whitman, former Ebay CEO, as the lunch keynote and Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner as the dinner keynote. We all know what those two have in common: they're very wealthy and very connected Silicon Valley insiders, both eyeing the 2010 governor's slot. With former Rep. Tom Campbell of San Jose also expressing interest, the betting is that Fiorina may want to avoid a competition already crowded with moderate Silicon Valley GOPers.

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