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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wondering If Bill O'Reilly Is Trying To Weasel Away From the Right

Last night, listening to Bill O'Reilly on AM Radio 650, I noticed a strange change in tone. O'Reilly was declaiming against CITIGroup. Apparently CITIGroup had purchased a $50 million jet aircraft at the same time it was receiving taxpayer TARP money, and that struck O'Reilly as wrong. It was important for President Obama to chastise CITIGroup for this error of judgment, O'Reilly said.

That tone is Populist: namely, left-wing Populist. Populism is the loose cannon on the deck of American politics, and can swing left or right, or in both directions at once, at a finger's snap. It certainly is a change from hailing Big Business as our saviors and demonizing Big Gummint - O'Reilly's general tone for at least the last decade.

I just thought it strange.

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