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Friday, January 16, 2009

Listening To Conservative Talk Radio

Yesterday I listened to radio commentators Michael Savage and Mark Levin, and I was struck by the raging incoherence.

For example, Savage tried to whip his audience into a frenzy by invoking that oldest of hoary old European anti-Semitic stereotypes, that of the monocled, cosmopolitan financier, cackling over the various Washington bailouts currently underway.

So, what's supposed to make this evil financier take fright? A capital gains tax cut? More philo-Semitic military aid to Israel? Deregulation? What?

It just doesn't work. None of it works. It never did work, of course, but it works less-well now than ever.

One more week of 'God Bless George Bush, Our Commander In Chief', and then what?

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