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Friday, January 23, 2009

Call The Wahmbulance!

Senator McConnell is unhappy about the DSCC (and thus indirectly with Senator Schumer's partisan ways.)

Well, well, well....

The other day, when I listened to radio host Michael Savage, the only point where he seemed actually funny was when he proclaimed that it was just a matter of minutes before Senator Schumer managed to find a way to insert himself into the Airbus Hudson landing story. Funny!

But politicians being politicians, particularly with a radioactive issue like the $700 billion bailout? Just another day at the office:
Sen. Mitch McConnell publicly lambasted Sen. Charles Schumer on Friday for running ads against the minority leader that touted his backing of the $700 billion bailout bill last fall.

McConnell (R-Ky.) made clear during his appearance at the National Press Club that he was not pleased with Schumer's (N.Y.) tactics as Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) chairman, which he described as “beyond the pale.”

The fifth-term lawmaker noted that he and Schumer worked together to iron out the legislation and that three-quarters of the Senate, including Schumer and President Obama, voted for it.

McConnell, a former chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said he stuck his neck out to pass a bill that he and many Democrats thought was necessary in the midst of a national economic crisis. The 66-year-old lawmaker said he has not discussed his irritation with Schumer, but added that the senior senator from New York is familiar with how he feels.

“This was a major national crisis, not a second-tier issue by any means, and the thought that individuals who were involved in negotiating the package would then turn around and go out and attack people in the other party for trying to save the country I thought was beyond the pale,” McConnell said. “That doesn't mean that the two chairmen of the senatorial committees are not going to be critical — that's what they do, they run campaigns. But this was a moment of incredible significance.”

“As Sen. McConnell well knows, Sen. Schumer was prevented by law from directing that that ad be made or approving it in advance,” said Schumer spokesman Brian Fallon.

Despite the DSCC’s efforts, McConnell last November defeated Democrat Bruce Lunsford 53 percentage points to 47.

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