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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Now In Auckland

Here's an update on the current situation:

Left Sacramento (the flight from SMF to SFO got bollixed up, and so Bruce Warren had to drive me to SFO instead).

Flew to Sydney overnight (long flight!)

Flew to Auckland (yet more flying!)

Arrived in Auckland and had all kinds of delays. My luggage was set aside and I thought it was lost. Plus the rush hour traffic was horrendous. Arrived late at my lodging (City Garden Lodge Backpackers), barely had time to eat (a very generic island called Burger Fuel in a sea of Asian eateries) and so just barely arrived in time for the Kylie concert.

Bless her heart, she was twenty minutes late herself!

Fine concert! Lots of fun cheering with the Kiwi Kylie fans!

Slept the night in a room with two other people. Because I was the last to arrive, I got the top bunk. Awkward bed, but hey, the place is pretty interesting and eccentric, just as I thought it might be!

Today, will travel to the Auckland Museum, and become acquainted with the city. I hope to post more, but that means working with the lap top (don't know if I can make it work, plus one of the other people is still sleeping and so can't interrupt).


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