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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Lost Top End, Down Under

People lose the craziest stuff:
A MEN'S magazine says 130,000 inflatable breasts intended as a free gift for its January issue have gone missing en route to Australia.

A spokeswman for Ralph magazine said the container carrying $200,000 worth of plastic breasts left docks in Beijing two weeks ago but turned up empty in Sydney this week.

The magazine has put out an alert to shipping authorities but if the breasts didn't turn up in the next 48 hours it would be too late for the next issue, she said.

Ralph editor Santi Pintado urged anyone with information to contact the magazine.

"Unless Somali pirates have stolen them its difficult to explain where they are," Pintado said.

"If anyone finds any washed up on a beach, please let us know."

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