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Saturday, December 27, 2008

How To Live To Be 100

There was an interesting article in "The West Coast Messenger", a weekly published in Greymouth, South Island, New Zealand, about a local woman who just turned 100.

It is possible to plan to live to be age 100, but it might require a significant change of lifestyle to accomplish....:
Feisty Greymouth woman Lorna Garth has lived in the town all her life - and that's 100 years as of last Friday.

Born at 10 Thompson Street on December 5, 1908, Lorna lived in that house until 1985 when she sold it for the RSA car park and moved to her present smaller home.

Her father owned a hairdressing and tobacconist business on Mawhera Quay passing it on to his son, Myers. Lorna helped in the shop at weekends but never had any other paid work in her life. Instead, she she spent many years caring for members of her family when they became seriously ill.

She never married, has been a stalwart of St. Patrick's Catholic Church, where she is now the oldest parishioner, and has very sharp memories of Greymouth people and buildings.

Cutting her birthday cake, Lorna said, "I thank God for the last 100 years of life He's given me. There were some hard times. I took the bad with the good and boxed on."

She said no smoking, no drinking and no hanky panky were the keys to living a long time. "I've never been a scallywag."

...Lorna received a Papal Blessing from Pope Benedict XVI and birthday cards from the Queen and Governor-general.

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