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Friday, November 14, 2008

Sparky Update

After Sparky's collapse Tuesday night, people have been asking about his health. He seems to be improving a bit as the week winds up.

We generally have three standard walks: short, medium, and long. Tuesday night, he couldn't even do the short walk, and we had to go around the block instead. Wednesday night, Sparky did the short walk, and last night he did the medium walk.

Yesterday, the back yard gate was somehow left open, and Sparky slipped out and started wandering along the alley. My next door neighbor found him, gave him some water, and kept him company until we could be reunited.

One key is to keep Sparky properly medicated. He's devised several ingenious methods to avoid taking his pills, and I have to watch him carefully.

Tuesday night, I was convinced Sparky would have to be put under immediately, but mercifully that judgment has proved premature....

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