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Friday, November 21, 2008

Scapegoats For The Economic Crisis

E.: MMMMAAARRRRCCCC! This country is the GREATEST country in the world and it breaks my heart to see it suffering so with the economic downturn.

M.: It's sort-of like the Great Depression all over again!

E. In 1933, the U.S. President Roosevelt did an amazing thing to save the day. He started the Good Neighbors policy, and that policy - um, that policy - well, that policy did something that saved the day.

M.: FDR had several policies, I think.

E.: What we need is for the U.S. President Bush to do some of those same policies again, and save the day!

M.: Somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

E.: It's the welfare, and the DDE, and the Social Security that are causing the problem! They are just sucking the money from the hard-working people! Plus the casinos. The casinos have all the money! Why don't they ask them for some of that money back? And what's going on with the economists? The economists are responsible for modifying the economy. What's going on with them? Are they sleepwalking?

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