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Monday, November 03, 2008

Saving Daisies

Daisies? Daisies.

Andrea is among those closely watching the fate of this TV show and encouraging everyone to join her to help keep it among the living:
I've created a new blog in order to join the fight to save one of television's most innovative and creative shows: Pushing Daisies. There's quite an online presence of supporters and the letter writing campaign (called "Daisy Mail") is starting this week. Fans from all over the country will be sending ABC letters (with "Daisy Mail" written on the front, in case they are thrown away they'll know what it's for), pies, daisies, daisy seeds - pretty much anything that relates to our lovable pie-man and the eternal optimism of the show (and the daisy, of course!)

Here's an interesting article (I've copied and credited it on my page) from E! Online.

I don't often get in the battle to save tv shows, but since this show is one of the FEW that I DO watch (partially because of it's quick-witted dialogue, the creative story lines, and of course, the talented cast) I felt compelled to join in. ... The more hits we can drum up, the better we can at least have ABC consider ordering the full 22 episode season.
Save those daisies!

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