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Monday, November 24, 2008

Looking For Meaning On A Stroll On J Street

First, there was the man walking down the sidewalk, who hesitated, then with a look of disgust, threw away what appeared to be a bandage, or a diaper, on the sidewalk. What was that all about? I can understand throwing such a thing away, but then that begs the question of what he was doing with it in the first place.

Then, there was the Menace of the Meandering Blonde. She approached down the sidewalk and she had a big purse, and she was digging something out from the bottom of it, and she was digging something out from the bottom of it, and she was meandering, because one can't simultaneously dig something out from the bottom of a purse, and walk straight. I veered to the right, she veered to her left, and I began to panic, because no matter what I did to avoid her, she anticipated my maneuvers. Collision was narrowly avoided only because she actually found what she was looking for!

Then another woman, burdened with shopping bags, ran across the street and twisted her ankle. She hurried past, clucking at how she had narrowly avoided becoming roadkill.

Then there was the Man At The Corner. He appeared to be a foreigner, perhaps an Ethiopian, and he seemed lost, repeatedly voicing "TERA. T.E.R.A. T-E-R-A. Tera." What does that mean? To me, TERA means Terminal Effects Research and Analysis group, in Socorro, NM, but it didn't look like he was looking for new explosive concepts in land mines.

What did all this mean? I was beginning to tear my hair, out looking for a deeper meaning in what appeared to be a random universe.

Then, I saw a woman carefully taking close-up digital photos of a rose. Now, THAT I understand! She didn't try to touch or smell the rose at all (no one actually smells roses anymore - that's so old-fashioned!) but we all need photos of roses for our blogs!

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