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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Intrepid European Reporter, In Phoenix

Trying to interpret the scene:
John McCain's defeat to Senator Obama was greeted with a mixture of shock, anger and deep fear for the future by Republican die-hards gathered at Phoenix's Arizona Biltmore Hotel for an election night party.

The discontent was evident almost as soon as Senator McCain started addressing supporters on an outdoor lawn in front of a giant Stars and Stripes to give his concession speech.

At least one member of the audience shouted out "bulls***"' while others interrupted McCain with scattered boos.

For many, it was just too much to take: at least two female McCain supporters were seen weeping inconsolably as the desolation of defeat set in.

"It's terrible, just terrible," said Lindsay Diamond from Phoenix. "When the economy's bad, Republicans lose."

The 28-year-old dancer could take some consolation from Senator Obama's victory though. "I don't think we'll have to worry about another African-American president in four years time," she said.

"Because after what's going to happen in the next four years under Senator Obama, we'll never elect an African-American again."

Duncan's friend, 30-year-old Sarah Duncan, was more generous.

"There's no question that Senator Obama's an absolutely phenomenal, knock-your-socks-off speaker," she said.

"Senator McCain is old and not very dynamic, and that's what people see. But people don't look past the image and the fancy words when they look at Senator Obama.

"I just don't think America is quite ready for an African-American to be president. There's already people out there saying they'll try to assassinate him. He'll make us a socialist country but Americans won't accept that."

Several supporters meanwhile blamed the media for Senator Obama's success, saying the press and television had given the Democrat an easy ride.

"I'm very disappointed because I don't believe Senator Obama is telling the truth when he speaks to the crowds," said Jeanette Woodward. "And the press has been very biased. We don't get the truth."

"I'm frightened because we are in the tax bracket that he's been talking about punishing. So we are going to have to let go some of our employees and cut back on our business now.

"My husband says that if he knew that he was gonna work that hard for 30 years for somebody else, he wouldn't have worked so hard."

Mazie Hoffmann, meanwhile, lamented the effect that father-of-two Obama's election would have on family values.

"I don't feel that he has good values, you know, wholesome values that represent America," she said.

"He believes in abortion, about all the abortion rights that are extreme. Maybe in Europe you have that but in America, most of mainstream America is more conservative. And I feel that as far as gay marriage we are going to get that here ... America is gonna turn a lot more liberal."

Marian, a long-time Republican, also blamed the media for McCain's loss.

"I can't believe it. We lost, it's the media," she said. "The media robbed John McCain of the presidency.

"But we'll wake up tomorrow morning and life will continue. But it's got a bitter taste."

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