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Monday, November 03, 2008

He's Been Tested

Aliens have their own probes:
ROSWELL, N.M. — Behind in the polls and pressing his case, Sen. John McCain made a mad dash across the nation Monday, imploring voters to consider his experience against Sen. Barack Obama.

"I've been tested and I passed that test. Sen. Obama hasn't," McCain said over and over again at stops from Tampa to Blountville, Tenn., on the Virginia and North Carolina borders, and from Pittsburgh to Indianapolis and Roswell to Henderson, Nev.

Fueled by coffee, egg tacos, fried chicken and throat lozenges, McCain was to spend nearly 24 hours straight spreading his message of lower taxes, less spending, and national security know-how over seven states.

...In Roswell, famous for its extraterrestrial sightings, McCain joked that "I'm pleased to announce that I have received the alien endorsement."

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