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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fun Toilet Facts

From the World Toilet Summit:

  • The average person spends three years of their life on the “john”.
  • The average person flushes a toilet about 2500 times a year, while using about eight sheets of toilet paper per day.
  • An estimated 2.6 billion people worldwide do not have access to proper toilet facilities, particularly in rural areas of China and India.
  • Lack of suitable toilets and sanitation kills approximately 1.8 million people a year, many of them children.
  • According to Jack Sims, a further 500 million toilets are needed to bridge the gap in sanitation.
  • The first flushing toilet was invented in 1596 by Sir John Harrington, a British noble and godson to Queen Elizabeth I. He only invented one, as he was ridiculed by his peers, but he still used it for himself.
  • Most toilets flush in the key of E flat.
  • On average, a person will use 22 litres of drinkable water every day flushing a toilet.

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