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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Bottle Dance" Letters Of Thanks

On October 24th, George Morales, Lindsay Carpenter, and myself performed the "Fiddler On The Roof" Bottle Dance at Phoebe Hearst Elementary School for Mr. Yee's second grade class.

In turn, the students responded with letters of thanks to all three of us. According to George, Lindsay received a very long letter from one impressed student: virtually a valentine! (As the youngest performer, the students identified most with her).

Here are a few of the letters I received:
Thank you for comming to our class. I like the bottle dance because the bottle did not fall of your head. We were happ that you came to our class. You came to a great class.

Thank you for coming to my class. I had a grate time when you were here. I like your dance.

Thank you for doing a bottle dance for us. We had fun watching you play for us.

Thank you for comming to ower class. It was relly cool when you did the Boddle Dance. You were alsome!

Thank you for coming to my class. I want to watch again.

Thank you for showing us your bottle dance for us. I really liked the dance you were doing.

You ar great at danceing.

That bottle dance was cool and fun to watch. I wish I did a bottle dance.

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