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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Risk Assessment In Financial Systems

An exasperated Jim McElroy sent this article. He notes:
I am in awe, really, of the financial system we have today. Time was, the "Market" resembled the Saturday morning farmers market, in which people with products met with people with money and negotiated an equitable trade between equals. A hundred years ago the stock market sold fractional parts of a company that made real products that could be held in your hands and the value estimated reasonably well. Today the market is in promises to pay something of vague value some indefinite time in the future. It used to be that governments would inflate the currency by running the printing presses overtime. Now they don't even need to buy ink. Money is generated by borrowing, what, Money? No borrowing promises to pay money. And where did that money come from? Yep, that's right another promise to pay. Where is all this wealth that has been created? Indeed! My, God, the Emperor has no clothes!
This is ridiculous! Of all people, the financial people should realize that in a financial system, risk is NOT randomly distributed! It was never so in the past. Why should it be so now?

Here are excerpts:
The problem is that Wall Street and regulators relied on complex mathematical models that told financial institutions how much risk they were taking at any given time. Since the 1990s, risk management on Wall Street has been dominated by a model called "value at risk" (VaR). VaR attributes risk factors to every security and aggregates these factors across an entire portfolio, identifying those risks that cancel out. What's left is "net" risk that is then considered in light of historical patterns. The model predicts with 99 percent probability that institutions cannot lose more than a certain amount of money. Institutions compare this "worst case" with their actual capital and, if the amount of capital is greater, sleep soundly at night. Regulators, knowing that the institutions used these models, also slept soundly. As long as capital was greater than the value at risk, institutions were considered sound -- and there was no need for hands-on regulation.

Lurking behind the models, however, was a colossal conceptual error: the belief that risk is randomly distributed and that each event has no bearing on the next event in a sequence. This is typically explained with a coin-toss analogy. If you flip a coin and get "heads" and then do it again, the first heads has no bearing on whether the second toss will be heads or tails. It's a common fallacy that if you get three heads in a row, there's a better-than-even chance that the next toss will be tails. That's simply not true. Each toss has a 50-50 chance of being heads or tails. Such systems are represented in the bell curve, which makes clear that events of the type we have witnessed lately are so statistically improbable as to be practically impossible. This is why markets are taken by surprise when they occur.

But what if markets are not like coin tosses? What if risk is not shaped like a bell curve? What if new events are profoundly affected by what went before?

Both natural and man-made systems are full of the kind of complexity in which minute changes at the start result in divergent and unpredictable outcomes. These systems are sometimes referred to as "chaotic," but that's a misnomer; chaos theory permits an understanding of dynamic processes. Chaotic systems can be steered toward more regular behavior by affecting a small number of variables. But beyond chaos lies complexity that truly is unpredictable and cannot be modeled with even the most powerful computers. Capital markets are an example of such complex dynamic systems.

...The more enlightened among the value-at-risk practitioners understand that extreme events occur more frequently than their models predict. So they embellish their models with "fat tails" (upward bends on the wings of the bell curve) and model these tails on historical extremes such as the post-Sept. 11 market reaction. But complex systems are not confined to historical experience. Events of any size are possible, and limited only by the scale of the system itself. Since we have scaled the system to unprecedented size, we should expect catastrophes of unprecedented size as well. We're in the middle of one such catastrophe, and complexity theory says it will get much worse.

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