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Monday, October 13, 2008

Fauxmosexuals And Celesbians

Getting complicated out there:
Gay social commentator Tim Duggan has described the "lesbian trend" as a fad which is actually doing "more damage than good".

"Experimentation is healthy — what it leads to can sometimes be a great thing, but you need to wonder what effect [fake lesbians] are having on women," said Mr Duggan, co-founder of gay and lesbian site SameSame.

"Women who pretend to be lesbians do it to titillate men.

"The current trend of gay acceptance is a Trojan horse: on the surface it's 'wow, isn’t it great, it's being talked about', but it's not real acceptance — it's a titillating, easy-on-the-eyes acceptance."

...Mr Duggan said the impact of "celesbians" — stars who use alternative lifestyles as marketing ploys — is something which can no longer be ignored.

"When straight celebrities like Katy Perry come out and sing about kissing girls and liking it, you have to wonder what impact that has on the playground," he said.

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