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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Don't Throw Anything Away For A Year

Interesting concept:
For the past nine months (since Jan. 1), the lanky Hollywood cameraman has been filling his basement with every single thing he would ordinarily recycle or toss into the trash.

For his scientific/social experiment Chameides keeps a running tally of his waste and documents it for all the world to see courtesy of his blog. On July 26, for example, his waste stream included one toilet paper tube, two plastic food containers, one plastic vitamin-water bottle and two paper sugar packets. (Of those items, everything would be placed neatly into a pile of recyclables, except for the sugar packets, which went into his worm composting bin.)

Yes, for one whole year, Chameides’ basement will hold everything: stacks of newspapers, magazines, dozens of plastic and glass bottles and containers, and, of course, trash—31 pounds thus far. Curiosity is one obvious reason for conducting the experiment, but the main reason boils down to his concern for the Earth.

“I realized I wasn’t being responsible,” said Chameides, an Emmy-winning TV cameraman who spoke at Chico State University last week.

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