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Friday, October 24, 2008

The Bottle Dance At Phoebe Hearst

As part of a section regarding traditions, George Morales, Lindsay Carpenter, and myself did the "Fiddler On The Roof" Bottle Dance at Phoebe Hearst Elementary School, in front of George's son Chris' second grade class (taught by Mr. Yee).

We discussed with the class what traditions they follow at home. Most students decribed Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's traditions, but one girl described a summertime camping tradition, whereby she gets to eat large amounts of cotton candy. This tradition, I thought, would be best followed in moderation.

The linoleum dancing surface was actually smoother than the stage, and easier to deal with.

A good time for everyone!

In the parking lot, I struck up a conversation with a fellow who turned out to be the cousin of Amanda Yount (who played Tzeitel in DMTC's most-recent production of "Fiddler") and also met Amanda's aunt. It's a small world after all!

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