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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What New Mexicans Think Of Blacks

Bernalillo County Republican Chairman Fernando C. de Baca really stepped into a cowpie by asserting that New Mexican Hispanics will never vote for Obama because - well, because blacks are inferior:
Fernando C' de Baca, who heads the GOP in Bernalillo County, was quoted by BBC reporter Jon Kelly on Friday as saying that even though the polls show Barack Obama with a substantial lead over John McCain among Hispanic voters, "The truth is that Hispanics came here as conquerors. African-Americans came here as slaves. ... Hispanics consider themselves above blacks. They won't vote for a black president."
C. de Baca errs by speaking on behalf of all New Mexico Hispanics with what is, at best, a minority attitude - a very minority attitude.

New Mexico Hispanics are generally quite practical when it comes to electoral politics, and have often supported numerous white candidates who have had little to do with the Hispanic community, but who nevertheless seemed to be better prepared for office. I would think a black candidate like Obama would affect the community no differently. If Obama is the better candidate, New Mexico Hispanics will vote for him, whatever lingering racism some might feel. Because that's what we all do when it comes to politics: we vote for the best available candidate.

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