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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ruh Roh!

The House Republicans are revolting! And this time, I agree with the revolt!.

But what I wonder is, if this is all sturm und drang is just smoke and mirrors - i.e., just cover for McCain to take the populist approach that Newt Gingrich was pushing the other day - where the elitists Obama and Bush get tarred with the bailout and the populist glory goes to McCain?

So, will the stock market tank? Who will really get the blame? Who will really get the glory? What happens to my 401K?

This is one interesting time! Like the old Jewish saying goes; "May you live in interesting times!"
Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama both left President Bush's financial bailout meeting at the White House after 5 p.m. Thursday with no apparent deal worked out.

Obama, appearing on CNN's "The Situation Room" after the meeting, said there "has to be a sense of urgency on the part of everybody. ... We've got to move rapidly."

Obama said that there will be a deal eventually but that there is still work to do, including reaching a consensus among Bush, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and House Republicans.

McCain told ABC News on Thursday night that Republicans "have legit concerns. Some of those have already been satisfied, such as accountability and oversight board and CEO executive pay. Members are aware of the crisis situation that we are in."

Obama, who will spend Thursday night in Washington, once again railed against infusing presidential politics into the negotiations over the $700 billion economic bailout. McCain's campaign said he will also stay in the Washington area for the night.

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