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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Getting Steamed Again About Illegals

I get so mad. Illegal Mexican labor BUILT this country, and everyone here got rich off their efforts, and everyone continues getting rich off of their efforts, and EVERYONE denies it!

Here's something from Oregon (off the Daily Kos):
Last week the Oregon alternative paper, Willamette Week broke the story that Republican incumbent Senator Gordon Smith, an advocate for "immigration reform" in the form of building a big fence, employed undocumented
at his frozen foods processing plant in eastern Oregon.

Smith's response was unequivocal:
“I have never had such a hit-piece hatchet-job slimeball done to me before in my 16 years in public life,” Smith told KXL radio host Lars Larson the same day WW published “Señor Smith”. “The policy of that company is to obey the law and document every worker.”
Except, of course, when it isn't. In a follow up article, WW locates former and current employees who were or are undocumented or got the job with fake papers.
Tomás Salgado wasn’t the first undocumented worker to pack vegetables at Smith Frozen Foods, and he wasn’t the last. To say otherwise denies the truth, says Salgado—a short, heavyset 45-year-old man with a round face and buzz-cut hair.

“What they’re doing is an injustice,” Salgado says in Spanish of Smith Frozen Foods. “Undocumented workers have always helped [Smith]. In reality, they helped grow the plant. And right now they’re still bringing the senator riches.”

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