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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Apocalypse Is Nigh

But I don't think eating kangaroos will help that much:
With food prices to rise, Professor Garnaut predicts households will "move away" from beef and lamb, "towards less emissions-intensive meat, such as chicken and pork".

Citing research, he said kangaroo meat "could again become important".

He said that if a way to reduce methane emissions from livestock wasn't found, seven million cattle and 36 million sheep could be replaced by 175 million farmed kangaroos.

..."It's not an easy solution for Australia or the rest of the world," Professor Garnaut said.

"But there's a chance, just a chance, that humanity will deal with this matter in a way that future generations judge to be satisfactory.

"If we fail . . . the failure of our generation will haunt humanity until the end of time."

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