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Friday, August 01, 2008

What Happens When The Credit Crunch Meets The Mojave?

Potentially a mud flat Mad-Max calamity:
Well, there's Lake Las Vegas, a 320-acre man-made lake that has high-end developments and very rich people living around it. The Review-Journal offers this summary of the environmentally preposterous development: "Lake Las Vegas has two luxury hotels, a casino, an Italian-theme shopping and restaurant area, three golf courses, marinas and 1,600 completed residences, including one owned by singer Celine Dion, according to the Clark County assessor's Web site."

...Lake Las Vegas has filed for bankruptcy and, according to the Review-Journal, without a court-approved infusion of cash for maintenance on a pipe under the lake, there is a risk the "lake" will drain away for good .... The project would lose a considerable amount of its appeal were it built around a dry lake bed."

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