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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So, Who's It Going To Be?

The fundraiser from 21st Century Democrats awakened me at the ungodly hour of 10 a.m., and asked, among other things, "Who do you think Obama's VP choice will be?"

I said, after all was said and done, that it would be Bill Richardson.

She thought that was interesting, and that she had been leaning towards Edwards until the latest media fuss. And, of course, as she mentioned, we have the latest Joe Biden boomlet to deal with.

I think the VP will be someone who can be pulled out of their current job without doing the Democrats massive damage, which is why it won't be the fellows from Virginia, Jim Webb and Ted Kaine, who barely won their offices and must remain in power long enough to flip that Red State, Blue.

It won't be Edwards (sad, that).

It won't be Hillary Clinton (please).

I wish it was Wesley Clark. He's good! But does he have enough allies in the Democratic power structure?

Will it be has-been types, similar in stature to Dick Cheney: Tom Daschle, John Kerry, Sam Nunn or Joe Biden? Or Indiana's Evan Bayh? They might be enthusiasm dampers (although they bring experience to the ticket).

Or is it someone else? Kathleen Sebelius maybe?

Or is it the guy who made his bones in the Clinton Administration and who has been frantically signalling for weeks that he is tanned, rested, and ready: namely, the aforementioned Bill Richardson?

We'll see shortly....

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