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Monday, August 25, 2008

A Season Of Interesting Insects

Tonight at DMTC, under the insect-attracting lights, I noticed a praying mantis on the prowl on the front sidewalk. Looked like a good hunting spot.

Left: Friday night at Davis' Mace Blvd. AM/PM, I saw this unusually large moth (2 inches from wingtip to wingtip). Looking at this Web Site, and noticing the similarities to the photo there, I'm guessing it's a Tobacco Sphinx:
The Tobacco Sphinx is the adult of the Tomato Hornworm. The larval food plants include cultivated solanaceous herbs like tomato as well as native plants like Datura.
Since tomatoes are grown in the general area of Davis, it would make sense if this is a Tobacco Sphinx.

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