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Monday, August 18, 2008

Ninth Anniversary Of The End Of Human Civilization

The Daily Rotten commemorates August 18, 1999:
A giant black rainbow encircles the Earth, sucking all oxygen from the atmosphere. The air returns shortly thereafter, but only after millions die from asphyxiation. On the bright side, the survivors go on to build a utopian civilization. It all happens precisely as predicted in the 1950s by Criswell, the TV psychic immortalized in the movie Plan 9 from Outer Space.
Somehow I don't remember this sequence of events, but I do remember reading one of Criswell's books, and being struck at how poorly he seemed to do compared with psychic Jeanne Dixon.

Of course, she wasn't that good either, but she seemed less prone to flights of fancy.

They should tried their hands at predicting the paths of hurricanes. Now that will separate the pretenders from the merely lucky!

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