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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Like a Laser Beam Pointed At Louisiana

The models all agree that Gustav will hit southern or SE Louisiana on Monday. Some forecasts say it will be a Category 4 storm at landfall – more powerful than Katrina. Nevertheless its presentation on satellite pictures is not as large and awesome as I remember Katrina being in 2005, and I’m hoping – praying - it’s not as powerful.

Hanna’s path is hard to forecast. The models keep inching Hanna farther east. NOGAPS currently forecasts landfall at Savannah, SC on Friday morning (which would lead to heavy flooding throughout the entire Savannah River watershed). GFS currently suggests a landfall near Wilmington, NC. I hope the models keep inching the storm to the east – we don’t any of this.

And there is a new tropical depression way out there over the horizon, named 97L, just west of the Cape Verde Islands just off the African coast. 97L may follow a path that would eventually bring it to the same area where Fay and Gustav picked up strength.

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