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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Let's Get This Civil War Started!

Jack Davis, who is running for Congress in New York, succinctly describes the xenophobic attitude to illegal immigration to the United States. He feels that if this human tide is not curbed, the Mexican occupation of the U.S. will ultimately lead to a Civil War, pitting states like Hispanified California, owing its real allegiance to Mexico, against states like New York.

A few years ago, I tried to pin down precisely when my Mexican and Spanish ancestors crossed the border into American territory. Some were already living in New Mexico when Stephen Kearney's U.S. troops occupied Santa Fe. Records fall silent prior to 1840 on my grandfather's side, but I did locate one relative on my grandmother's side who crossed the border in 1852. He was listed as a Candymaker by trade. I have no idea if his immigration was legal or not (people were less particular then about the distinction), but he definitely came north, and settled in the hamlet of Los Lunas, NM.

Some people might say he came north to find a better life, sell candy, and to charm the kids of the Rio Grande Valley. But others know he came north to occupy American territory. Worse, he had plans to have his descendants six generations removed start a Civil War pitting California against New York. Doesn't matter that our Spanish language skills are now lamentable and that we actually know little about our homeland. Fact is, when I was just a little gamete, scarcely even a zygote, I swore eternal allegiance to Mexico. Nothing else matters.

So, all these years later, I sense our hour approaches. All my cousins are in place. Let's get this game on! Viva Mexico! Arriba!

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